
April 27, 2011

50 Ways To Make Yourself Miserable

A very good sharing from a friend. How many ways you got yourself? I find this a good status-quo checker ^^
1. Compare yourself frequently with others.

2. Belittle yourself.

3. Don’t believe in dreams. You believe dreams will only happen when you are sleeping.

4. Say yes to everybody and everything.

5. Work in a job you hate.

6. Complain about everything.

7. Complain about everything to your friends.

8. Suspicious of everything.

9. Counting your troubles.

10. Harbor negative thoughts.

11. Trying to please everyone and let everyone walk all over you.

12. Constantly thinking about the past.

13. Constantly thinking about the future.

14. Focusing on what you lack.

15. Focusing on what you don’t want.

16. Need others to validate you constantly.

17. Think of everything that can possibly go wrong in your life.

18. Get jealous easily.

19. Envious of others and is never grateful of what you have instead.

20. Imitating others due to lack of self confidence.

21. Lacking self esteem and cause others to dislike you.

22. Think the world revolves around you.

23. Judging others.

24. Absorbing all the bad news in the papers daily.

25. Eating junk food.

26. Exercising is your worst nightmare.

27. Believe that things can only go your way.

28. Do not accept others opinion.

29. Lack of sleep.

30. Lack of goals.

31. Worry consistently about the sky is falling.

32. Plan but never take action.

33. Fail to plan.

34. Feel that people around you are all jerks.

35. Thinking there is no purpose in living.

36. Being the “If Man”. If my father is the president, then I will be successful. If ____ then I will be _____. (fill in the blanks)

37. Lottery is the only way to success.

38. Trying to control everything that you can’t control.

39. Expect to be appreciated.

40. Expect others to be grateful to you.

41. Never forget about criticism.

42. Hate people around you to be successful.

43. Shirk responsibilities.

44. Receive and never give.

45. Do things that are easy.

46. Overworking.

47. Never forgive.

48. Never give your best effort in things you do.

49. Perfectionism.

50. Choosing to be miserable.

April 22, 2011

Why Fuck is the Best Word in the English Language...

Last two days, my son posted on his status:"Life, are you fucking with me?"

I commented: "well...maybe u've been flirting wif yr life? so u giving it a 'come fuck me' signal...be careful, make it straight before it screw u up ^^"
Was thinking should I be using the "F" word replying his status, but after some thought, I decided to use it so to pair with him the same frequency. Maybe you'll be think using "F" word is such a bad education to our teenage children. Anyway, no matter how you perceive, I'll still use it when it helps on better communicating.
And this reminded me about the use of "F" word by an Indian Prof. which I found it so funny ^^ Just a sharing here about this uniquely "F" word...


Why Fuck is the Best Word in the English Language...

by Who the Fuck Knows

Perhaps one of the most interesting and colorful words in the English language today is the word "fuck".

It is a magical word which, just by its sound can describe pain, pleasure, love, and hate. In language, "fuck" falls into many grammatical categories.

It can be used as a verb both transitive (John fucked Mary) and intransitive (Mary was fucked by John).

It can be an action verb (John really gives a fuck),

a passive verb (Mary really doesn't give a fuck),

and adverb (Mary is fucking interested in John),

or as a noun (Mary is a terrific fuck).

It can also be used as an interjection (Fuck! I'm late for my date with Mary).

It can even be used as a conjunction (Mary is easy, fuck she's also stupid).

As you can see there are very few words with the overall versatility of the word fuck.

Aside from its sexual connotations, this word can be used to describe many situations:

1. Greetings........."How the fuck are ya?"

2. Fraud..............."I got fucked by the car dealer."

3. Resignation......."Oh, fuck it!"

4. Trouble............."I guess I'm fucked now."

5. Aggression........."Fuck you!"

6. Disgust................"Fuck me."

7. Confusion............." What the fuck....?"

8. Displeasure............"Fucking shit man..."

9. Lost........................"Where the fuck are we?"


11.Retaliation............."Up your fucking ass!"

12. Apathy................."Who really gives a fuck?"

13. Suspicion............."Who the fuck are you?"

14. Directions.............."Fuck off."

It can be maternal........"Motherfucker!"

It can be used to tell time......."It's four fucking twenty!"

It can be used as an anatomical description............."He's a fucking asshole."

Lastly, it has been used by many notable people throughout history:

"What the fuck was that?" -Mayor of Hiroshima

"That's not a real fucking gun." -John Lennon

"Where the fuck is all this water coming from?" -Captain of the Titanic

"Who the fuck is gonna find out?" -Richard Nixon

"Heads are gonna fucking roll." -Anne Boleyn

"Any fucking idiot could answer that." -Albert Einstein

"It does so fucking look like her!" -Picasso

"You want what on the fucking ceiling?" -Michaelangelo

"Fuck a duck." -Walt Disney

"Houston, we have a big fucking problem." - The crew of Apollo 13

~ Hv a good fucking day! ~

April 18, 2011


叹气,叹不走遗憾, 悲哀,哀不掉过失,恐惧,惧不了现实。多愁善感与忋人忧天的过日子,最终结果只有一个。。。死路一条。分秒从未为叹气,悲哀与恐惧停留。搞清楚忋人忧天及未雨绸缪的分别。
遗憾让我们学会珍惜,过失让我们学会谨慎,恐惧让我们学会面都。 没有任何事比逃避及放弃自己来的可怕。

April 15, 2011

Are We Growing Up?

Recently re-read a book from Tony Buzan - The Power of Spiritual Intelligence. On chapter 7, he was talking about finding the child in us and the characters found in a child:

Unconditional Love

Aren't all these are all the positive qualities fading off as we growing up? This put me in a deep thought. So true, these are all the positive qualities we see in children but who kills all these wonderful qualities in children?

I start wondering are adults really grown up? What is growing up? Is growing up means forgetting how to laugh? how to learn? how to be happy? how to trust? Then growing up seems sad. Childhood has so much of happiness, enthusiasm, hopes, learning, curiosity, possibilities, dreams, plays, laughter. A stage we learn to raise again from falling.

I see forgiveness in childhood but I see hatred in adulthood. I see friendly competition in childhood but I see fights in adulthood. I see games in childhood but I see wars in adulthood. I see unconditional love and compassion in childhood, but I see conditional expectation in adulthood.So, are adults grown up? How come we are disintegrating as we are growing older? We are growing in physical but we are shrinking in values.

We punish ourself for failure, we restricted our unlimited imagination, we forgotten how to let go and move on, we forgotten how to smile, we forgotten how to play, we forgotten how to be happy. So I ask again, are we really growing up?

Whenever we face any challenges in life or living any joyous moment, always remember to bring out the child in us, let the child in us as long as we live ^^

April 13, 2011

Pursuit of Happiness ^^

Why happiness seems much harder to pursuit because it has no measurement. Unlike money or anything given value with dollar and cents. Everyone can have 100 dollars but the state of mind of having the $100 dollars of happiness can be vary. To someone who is earning less than $1000 a month, $100 is a great happiness, on the other hand, one who is earning million, the state of happiness of $100 is totally different. But is the face value of a piece of paper determine all the happiness in life?

Why some with little of income but so happy and contented, but for some have everything best under their roof or even extra yet not happy. Rich or poor is not an asset or a liability but emotional capacity is. The emotional bank determines the wealth of a person. We may have safe deposit and bank account to safeguard our valuable items and money, contracts and titles to keep our properties and assets, but we have nothing to protect our emotional bank except ourself. Understanding how to be happy become the key of protecting our emotional bank. We ourself is the only master to do it.

We can be forgetful about anything but we can never forget how to live...Live with dignity, live with hope, live with joys, live with love. Don't you think this is such a simple way of pursuing Happiness ^^

April 06, 2011

Are We Too far From Home?

Watched a show yesterday "Fair Game" from the director of The Bourne Identity and starring Academy Award nominee Naomi Watts and Academy Award winner Sean Penn. Toward the end, Sean Penn made a very good speech about pursuing truth and standing up for what's right as a citizen despite Power.

"The responsibility of a country is not in the hand of a privileged few. We are strong,and we are free from tyranny as long as each of us remembers his or her duty as a citizen. Whether it's to report a pothole at the top of your street or lies in a State of the Union address, Speak out! Ask those questions. Demand that truth! Democracy is not a free ride, but this is where we live, and if we do our job, this is where our children will live."

This makes me wondering where we (Malaysians) now...
While we shout out demanding the truths, are we act like a child of our country? Do we speak the beauty of our country? If we don't, is it simply because we do not trust our government so we neglected and forgone the true beauty of this place?
Are we keeping quiet because we cannot make any changes? But how about respect other races? How about keeping our country clean? How about stop spreading racist issue topics? I'm sure these are the least we can do as a citizen.
When we shout loud for all the unfairness,corruptions,flaws of system and lies, do we love this piece of land without blinding and judging her due to the miss-managing in the few wrong hands?
Do we love her for providing us a piece of peaceful land with multi racial and rich cultures?
Are we proud to say we are Malaysian, when not, is it simply because we do not like our government? If we are not, then it makes us no more right to shout for our rights, not only the government, we are not a good citizen too because we choose to ignore what she has been providing us.
Although we are putting our foot on this motherland but are we too far from home?


在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...