
October 31, 2011

Night Cream or Nightmare?

Ok ok...I know is not good at all saying this, but I choose to be bad now!
Do you know why a handful of ladies paying RM1000 over for a night cream? Coz they are super dumb! hoping that the 1k+ night cream is not only making them look more beautiful but also making them smarter!
Don't brands know they are overpriced? Yes! sure they do but they also know clearly those customers buying these products know nothing except spending :D
Read the lable, use your smart phone, google the ingredients, be smart! Is important to know what ingredient needed for specific function. So you can spend minimal but still getting the result you want. (by the way, in my opinion, night cream more than RM250 already falls into the range of overpriced!!!)

October 06, 2011

The Apple Man

Sounded strange when I had never once own an single Apple product, he never heard of my name and not even knowing who I am throughout his entire life. But I have such a strong feeling about his death. Steve Jobs, a man that I love from a distance.

This I am writing to pay a respect to him, as a remembrance for a great person. A true brand creator I see, A marketing class that I learn in action not in class, not in book. I've read books about branding and marketing, but no Gurus build or market a brand like how he did it.

I love his passion and vision of what he believes in, living what he loves and holds it till the last breath of it. In him I see "Faith". Some may say his life is short for only 56 years, to me, he lived the longest and richest, leaving not only a book for himself, but a chapter worth reading in many of us.

May you rest in peace...Steve Jobs.

October 01, 2011


每个人一生中听过的歌何其多,我相信每一个人都曾被一些歌曲感动过, 还能借歌曲唱出人生。有的人生可能少于几首歌,有的人生却有唱不完的歌。

我獨行 夜雨漸停
笑問誰 肝膽照應
風急風也清 告知變幻是無定
不信命 只信雙手去苦拼
可會知 我心裡困倦滿腔
夜闌靜 問有誰共鳴
愛自由 或會忘形
去或留 輕鬆對應
孤單中顫抖 我知我實在難受
想退後 心裡知足我擁有
風也清 晚空中我問句星
夜闌靜 問有誰共鳴


在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...