
September 18, 2012


我时时刻刻警惕自己, 把自己视为一本书,一本能够让人看了再看的好书。 可是什么书会让人不离手, 看了再看呢?

1/ 封面 - 有没有让人提起读我的兴趣? 我把形象视为封面。没有人会对美的事物没兴趣,当别人没足够的时间认识你的时候, 外表无形中就是你的书皮。我认为注意形象是一个礼貌, 细节透露了用心,是对别人的尊重,也是对自己的交代。
2/ 设计- 如何不让看书的人觉得闷, 让看书的人保持新鲜感,有没有让人觉得惊喜? 怎么能够在创意与原创之间游走?
3/ 内容 - 微笑与自信是我的序言。
4/ 简介 - 态度,言行举止就是我的简介。
5/ 目录 - 我的经验会否让人有兴趣学习与多了解。
6/ 内容 - 知识与专业可以让人翻开第一页, 幽默让人继续看到第二章, 诚恳与诚意的分享,让人不知不觉翻到第三章, 谦虚的态度让人舍不得把书放下, 而深度与宽度则让人一读再读。

好书之因为能够让人惦记不忘, 看了再看,是因为当一本书有实践性, 能够帮助读者提升自己。我愿意陪伴相信这本书的人一起走,我要当一本能够开拓读者视野的好书, 让阅书的人心宽,快乐。



A picture says a thousand words, a smile walks a thousand miles. Love this shot! Thank you so much to Jeff Yeoh for this beautiful captured.

Photo credit - Jeff Yeoh

Many thoughts was running in my mind when I saw this picture. First the smile caught my attention, then the basket followed by what's in the basket, as I'm writing this, I can't remember what else in the picture other than those mentioned. A picture given me the real understanding of "SMILE".
And I have so many captions for this one shot ^^

1/ When I'm delivering food to others, putting food on table for my love ones, no matter how heavy I'm carrying, my smile will make it lighter.

2/ Is not the heaviness I am carrying but the value I'm delivering.

3/ 如果一个微笑可以让一个人留下一秒的快乐. 我愿意 ^^

4/ 背着梦想可以走千里, 带着微笑可以化疲劳。

5/ Life is not as tough as you imagine...I have the skill, I am all fit for it. Most importantly I know what I am doing, what I'm on my back, that's why I am still smiling to you. Are you the same as me?

6/ No one know what a second can be...the photographer captured this moment in a second, this man post a smile for this shot for a second. But their seconds given me many seconds in my journey.

7/ 如果能够把好带给人,只要我有能力,就算背上多重的担子,也有微笑的时刻。

September 17, 2012

My Malaysia Day

A busy Malaysia day. On Saturday afternoon, with the help from Soh, Wei Fong, Anthony, Pastor Robert and their friends, brought 31 children from Loke Yew Myanmar refugee school to Gelateria in Kota Kemuning for gelato and also had some fun of drawing. Thank you to Maria for her creative guidance, unleashed the children's imagination with some crayons and a piece of white paper. Their creativity amazed all of us.
Everyone chipped in their help, transportation and monetary. Collected RM680, Food and art materials spent RM568 and still have some balance saved for next batch of kids. Thank to the children given us a chance to give and shared with us their world. Just when I thought we are showing the children a door to the new world, they surprised us with their imagination to take on the world. Touched by their pureness.

CLICK on this photo to view the rest of their drawings ^^

Followed by Sunday and Monday, was busy juggling between campsite and client. A job looks simple but must have all these...communication, sincerity, passion, sharing, system, flexibility, understanding, energy, smiles, emotionally stable, delicate, professionalism, trust and so much more.............. in order to make it work and all happy with the result.I do not know how many thoughts been travelling in my mind over the weekend :p Bottom line...Yes, coordination work is not easy and sometimes tiring too, but worth it when able to put back happy faces to all the parties. ^^

My Malaysia Day...

September 16, 2012


要深度没有, 要态度没有, 要谦虚没有=白痴+白活。。。浪费空间。

只因为要修忍耐力,有时候对着某些人,感觉应该随时会火山爆发,尽快把自己潜入深蓝的海底,霎那心神定下来后就想,何须多我一个来陪着一个脑死的呼吸器浪费空间呢?结果在脑子里对他刮了几个巴掌后, 从新组织好脑细胞, 再出发!
说实在的, 对任何人要能做到不加上自己的看法和判断, 真的是人生最具挑战性的必修课。对这,曾对自己说,只要当在下意识做判断时, 就给自己一巴掌。。。想到这,我觉得我的脸皮应该都已肿的惊人了 :D
我啊。。。成长空间还真大哦 :p


September 09, 2012


我一直都相信只要身体没有放弃呼吸的机会,就是告诉我的脑袋..."万能的脑袋, 我还在维持身体所有功能, 敬请合作, 不要让身体其他伙伴白忙!"
每一个危机是一个福份,因为透过危机我们成长,学习. 而这个学习机会不是每个人都有,也不是付学费就可学。十二年来我相信,只要我肯走,路上一定会有路人可问,可学。只要鼻子在呼吸, 口在问, 脚在走, 手在做, 脑在学, 心有爱...小兵一定升将军! ^^


September 05, 2012

Crisis Is A Blessing

We come to the world alone. Everyone we meet is a teacher. From someone with the right values, we learn the rights from them. From someone wrong, we learn by not going the same path. From differences with others, we learn to accept or adjust. From our parents, children, friends, colleagues, acquaintances...we learn to be gratitude, to love, to share, to understand, to help and many many more.
Learn from others or be a teacher to others. Anything bad or sad that happen is a crisis if we never learn from it but will be a blessing if we growth from it. If we have the courage to face and deal with crisis, crisis is a blessing because it is a key to unlock the wisdom in us.
Face our crisis with Faith, let the universe exercise it's power to show us the Miracle of life ^^

September 01, 2012

敌人朋友 Friend and Enemy

有一些我们称之为“敌人”的朋友,有一些“朋友“我们称之为敌人。有的要远离因功力不比他深厚,有的要放弃因不值得浪费时间, 可百分之八十要留住, 因我们的成长是靠怎么和与自己没有相同理念与看法的朋友学习的。有时候走着走着,敌人成了朋友,而朋友成了敌人。可当发觉这百分八十的敌人建成为朋友时,人生这堂课也修好了。只要能够让我们有所成长的,我愿留住这样的敌人,可是永远让我原地踏步的朋友,我不介意多一个敌人。敌人朋友或朋友敌人增添了人生色彩。一直留在我身边不离不弃的,不是我的朋友或敌人,你们是我爱的人。。。谢谢!我的爱人 ^^ 爱你。

Some friends we term them as "the enemy", and some "friend" we call them enemies. Some enemies we have to stay away because we do not have the capability to handle their bad intention, and for some we have no choice to give up as they not worth the waste of our time. But of eighty percent whom we want to keep them close because we get the growth by learning from their differences of perspective in lives. As I walked on my path, some enemies became friends and some friends became enemies. But if I am able to have 80% of enemies becoming as friends, I am sure I've learn my life lesson well.
I would love to keep my enemies closed if they are empowering my learning, whereby if having friend that can't add any right values to my life, I am all fine having an enemy.
No matter friends or enemies, they are surely bringing the excitements of life.
For those who staying closed with me no matter ups or downs, you are not my friends or enemies but my lovers ^^ My lovers that I value most! Love you.

A Little I Am. YiDian


在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...