
August 29, 2013

Body for Life

While digging out some old junks, found these photos taken 11 years ago while I was religiously followed through 3 months Body for Life program. Exercise 6 days a week, woke up 6.30am for high intense 20mins run, weights, 6 meals a day. After the program, my weight was 48 kgs, waistline at 24 inches.

My workout plan
Mon, Wed, Fri - Upper body + abs or lower body free weights alternately.
Tue, Thus & Sat - 20mins high intensity cardio

Meals plan
1st - EAS shake an hour after exercise
2nd - Fruits
3rd - Sandwhich with turkey ham without mayonnaise and butter
4th - EAS Shake
5th - Tandoori chicken, naan
6th - EAS shake

I was motivated each day and can't wait to get up next day to do my exercise. Still remember clearly when I first felt my triceps was so excited :p

Now 6.30am still dreaming, heavy meals, weight 57kgs and waistline don't dare to measure ><

Yes, I am officially back to Body for Life and I am committed! 50kgs here I come! ^^

Happy Bee 。一点

August 20, 2013

So Near Yet So Far

This generation is the most connected generation comparing to generations on the past decades, connecting easily globally and borderless but also a generation that lost connection to themselves right within.

We grab the world in our hand but lost the world in us. Is that why we hear so many escaping stories hoping the world out there a greater place? In my two cents opinion, if I can't get clear and look inside my own world, is no point looking outside.

Happy Bee 。一点

August 19, 2013

My Parents

I am grateful that I have my very supportive parents and also my role models. Other then my ba disallowed me to any night out or party and ma put me on my knee for didn't do my house chores at teenage, they are always around near or far no matter what happened or happening. They never demoralise me when I was down but will remind me when needed.

What are my most proud about my parents? They work on what they can do without blames even when time was difficult. They are having their children shouting proud about them. They always put their children's best interest before them. They are showing a great example of unconditional love.

A generation willing to work so hard for the next generation and forgotten about themselves. That's why truly blessed and respecting them. All parents love their children but showing in different ways.

Love from my parents, my children and my siblings keeping my head up high. Feeling blessed.

Happy Bee 。一点


”哇!妈,牛奶喝得很快哦, 甜啊,少喝啦。。。”
”爸,这样夜还喝 teh tarik, 不好啦,很甜啊”


Happy Bee 。一点

August 18, 2013

Super Deal!

Aww.. was stopping by Popular Book Store大众书局 for few folders but ended up bought 11 book, because RM99.90, RM84.90 books selling at RM20 only!!! Happy happy happY ^^ I thought I missed out book fair this year but I think the surprise just replaced my disappointment totally! — feeling great!

Happy Bee 。一点

August 13, 2013


爸爸在房里写着部落客,我在房里面子书,妈妈在电视机前很不给脸的玩着ipad游戏, 可怜的电视节目, 完完全全被冷落, 我们都太忙着看面前的萤幕。现在我走出去关掉,不知会被人发觉bo.

Happy Bee 。一点

August 03, 2013

Moving In

Parents moving in with me, finally shifted everything after few days of walking up and down between floors. The stairs climbing with boxes, bags and furnitures were not tough at all, the scariest part is the unpack, cleaning and arranging. 

Happily having my parents around but they didn't pre amp me they are moving in with so many oldies >< People say when we love, we have to love the whole package! I will soon do a garage sales at my place d. Cortisol level increased tremendously. — feeling biang eh.

Happy Bee 。一点


在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...