
November 30, 2009


If you cannot accept the weakness of others, what makes you think you have your strength?
If you cannot accept the stupidity of others, what makes you a wiser one?
I accept weakness in me because from weakness I'll discover my strength.
I accept stupidity in me because this is time when I'll learn from many wise.
I accept the weakness of others because I know it is in everyone, but I also remember their strength is far more greater than.
I accept the stupidity of others because I know learning is never-ending.
Never be proud if you are stronger, because weakness attacks the arrogance.
Never be arrogant if you are smart because stupidity loves the egoist.

November 15, 2009


You must constantly ask yourself these questions :
Who am I around?
What are they doing to me?
What have they got me reading?
What have they got me saying?
Where do they have me going?
What do they have me becoming?

Then ask yourself the big question :
Is that okay?

"Your life does not get better by chance, it gets better by change" - Jim Rohn

November 07, 2009

My Role as a parent

is to...

Groom them with right values...Integrity, respectful, gratefulness, humbleness, passionate, happiness.

Help them make a different in their life...

Lead them to see the world with a positive and an open mind.

Guide them to do everything with enthusiasm.

Give them confidence to face the unknown future.

Understand their world.

Share every memorable moments with them, let it be happy or sad moments.

Walk with them with cares.

Motivate them to stand up when they fall.

Surprise them with any possible unforgettable moments.

Color their life with love.

Encourage them to help others.

Teach them to live their life with passions.

Although looks like I have so much to teach, in fact, I've learned so much from them and I am still learning ^^

With LOVE to Ryan, Reanne and Regine ^^


在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...