
September 16, 2018

Bookecess @ Tamarind Square

Went to BookXcess and a pleasant surprised by beautiful greenery community mall at Tamarind Square Cyberjaya.

Love the architecture of this place, surrounding by plants and good spacing among shops, offices and Soho. If any company have a share work space here, I am so gonna come in 🤭

Like the concept of 24hours bookstore ( I am surely not the type gonna come during midnight 😄) but too bad no Chinese books.

While clearing my bookshelf and desk, was telling myself no more books, go e- but...

Can you imagine those books all putting their hands up and yelling... "me, buy me! Hey look here, I am better! Yuhoo... I am the one! Yo yo.... over here, you need me! ....."😂

And the price is calling too "I am RM17.90 only! Me RM19.90 from RM107.90! Look, I am RM24.90 from RM189!" 😂

And my eyes joined the party.... "Master, read books ler, your eyesight very poor now, screen bad for you." Then nose said... "ya, book is not only for read, smell the tree, feel the fresh!" Hands said..."Yes! Feel it, touch them!" 😆

Don't tell me how many trees give way to books, at least the books not gonna chock or suffocate me like plastic.

#以上纯属娱乐虚构_那些书眼睛鼻子手都没喊_当然你们也知道 😄

September 15, 2018


Knowing my visit, the rain came and left its moment behind.


September 13, 2018


我问为什么呢? 一个说,那你可以有个依靠。哦,怎么靠呢? 她: 有人可以分担呀,至少经济上有人靠。 哦。。。。那看来我是应该找钱而不是找个男人,因为万一定了下来, 他很尊重的坚持让我保持经济很独立呢?😅

另一个也是跟我说找个伴呗,以后老了万一有个三长两短病了,有人照顾。我被惊吓之余回答,万一是他病了而不是我呢?😮 她: 哎哟,你爱他当然照顾他无所谓啊。。。 我: 。。。你这话说的,找个可有可无的伴和找个万一他病了,值的我照顾的人到老是两码子事哦。


#女人啊,本就有着 #遇刚则坚_遇柔则顺 的本事 :) 几时想显个坚强时,来个"我没事儿!",几时想显个柔弱时,流两滴泪或哭成河都行 。



Crazy Rich Asians

看了最近火红的那套"疯狂的有钱华人",实说。。。真看不出有什么深度可言, 除了打着好莱坞华人电影的锣锣,一部再一次证明多媒体市场的推广功不可没。从期待到观后,纯粹以支持好莱坞华人电影为支点。

昨天看到一位博士级的培训师列这位必看电影,因为有深度。。。有三秒的愧疚,怀疑了自己是否对这部戏太刻薄而忽略了它的深度。再用三分钟playback, 找不到。(有那个能够给我个灯泡照明吗?)

有一场面非常可取,证明了我一直以来的观点 😁 儿子啊,真的不必对他太好,无论如何,有了女友老婆以后,妈妈会退居第二 (幸运的话,如果他没养狗或还没孩子 😅)。有儿子的妈妈,这是一个很重要的忠告, 看好哦。。。只要对他的女友老婆好,那你的儿子还是你的 😂😂😂



September 05, 2018

Peace Within

Seek your peace within because there is where you own it, not depending on others, places or things.



September 03, 2018

Do Not Be Afraid!

Sometimes it takes all wrong to see right.
Sometimes it takes a destruct to rebuild.
Sometimes it takes a hit bottom to rebound.

Do not be afraid, trust the universal law, if your time is not ready to go 6ft down, all comes down will go up.

Keep going.


在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...