A strange world we are living in, or a strange me seeing the world?
Some ignored how bad they sing until Simon Cowell told them off bluntly;
Some forgotten how corrupted they are until they locked with a hand cuff;
Some ignorantly arrogant believe they are in right because no one dare to or want to tell them right to their face;
Some got bullied because of their talent until he sang Pei Jesu to those who appreciate;
Some spent their entire life fulfilling their family materials need but no one understand;
Some bought a very big house but they spend the least time staying in their house comparing to their maids;
Some have 100 pairs of shoes but they only have two feet;
Some works hard for a better life yet they lost their life because of work;
Some spent millions of dollar buying happiness but forgotten happiness is given by own self;
Some keeps judging people but forgotten to judge themselves;
Some shared everything about others but keeping everything about them;
Some appreciating their friends being around but forgotten their parents always being around till they gone...
Actually is not the world being strange but is the highly intelligent human beings and me being strange...