
July 01, 2017

Hello July!

July: TQ for calling July, what can we do for you? 😊
Me: Hello, July.
July: Yes, this is July. what can I do for you?
Me:  Do you do delivery?
July: Certainly we are! What do you like to have?
Me: I would like to make order for the whole month. Can I?
July: Sure! Is our 1st day, warehouse  is now loaded 😃
Me: Great! Please send me a dozen of surprise, 31 good days, 31 sweet dreams, 15 laughter days, 20mins moody moments, 5 ROFLOL moments, 31 safe days, 31 healthy semangat days, 5 guilt free makan days...that's all. 😛
July: Great choices! We have all of it!
Me: wait.... make it 100 sets please.
July: auh...so many? Can you finish all by yourself?
Me: duh...not all for myself ler, ordering for my family and some friends too.
July: I see.. ok, give you a quatity discount of 100%, here is a surprise free for you 😉
Me: O...Wow...TQ 😍
July: Most welcome! TQ for your early order. Delivery on the way. Do email us the recipients and addresses of where you want to deliver for the rest of your 99 orders 😊 Our email address is July2017@Happylife.com. You may add on your list in the email. We will make it up. TQ for calling July! Have an Awesome July ahead!
Me: TQ July! Looking forward for your delivery ❤❤❤

*Guess what I added in my email to July...
15 night of rains, a dive trip, 4 hikings, 20 walkajogs, 4 trainings, 8 ageLOC orders. 1000 smiles 😉



在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...