
April 16, 2021


Whenever I see nice carpet grass, I will have the urge of stepping on it, smelling the freshness through my feet, the closeness with the nature, the connection with mother earth. 

Ever since I came to know about earthing many years back, the more I won't let go of chances to ground myself with the nature. Grateful to this nice earthing playground.

那种踩下去,脚板感觉软软,好像感觉到一根一根又好像一片棉花,然后脚趾脚板被重重包围的感觉,你feel到吗? 😍



在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...