
June 13, 2012

A Morning Walk With God

I am a blessed child...
This morning I had a walk with God...while walking we had a good chat.
Me: Heavenly father, thank you for your time with me
God: My child, I thank you for having me with you all this while
Me: No, you not always around... where were you when I was lost?
God: My child, I am always around...
when you jog, I was those trees watching you;
when you took off your shoes walked on the grass, I was those grasses comforting your feet;
when you went diving, I was those fishes swim with you;
when you went hiking, I was those branches given you the supports;
when you cried, I was the tissue wipe away your tears;
when you meditate, I was the inner voice you hearing;
when you were lost, I was your friends given you encouragement and hugs;
when you got hurt, I was your parents and siblings laugh with you reminded family is always around to support;
when you were in doubts, I was the books to restore your confidence;
when you were helpless, I was the needed asked for your help, and you felt stronger after helping the needed;
when you feel like giving up, I was your children reminded you that you are the role model;
when you were lonely, I was your favorite music and songs to company you;
when you were low in energy, I was your buddies invited you for all the fun activities together;
when you were cold, I was the jacket kept you warm;
when you were down, I was the positive phrases lifted you up;
when you hungry, I was your favorite foods to cheer your stomach;
when you sick, I was those medical advisors given the healing dosages;
when you lost your hope, I was your hands reminded you choices is in your hand;
when you lost your humbleness, I was the natures tell you how small you are;
when you were being ignorant, I was the knowledge reminds you to keep learning;
when you were being arrogant, I was your painful lessons...
Me: But sometimes I really don't think you are around, you took some vacations...
God: My child, you were having me all this while, sometimes I walked behind you to back you up, sometimes I walked besides you to cheer you up, sometimes I was watching outside the ring to see how much you've learned, sometimes I was above you sending helps...  I was your mentors, I was the natures, I was your books, I was your songs, I was anywhere and anything, you know it because you will come to me and listen to those messages I sent you.
Me: Yes, you are right, deep down I know you are with me no matter what.
God: You are a blessed child not only because I am with you but your acceptance and willingness in learning from your ups and downs.
Me: But Father, I never go to church, I never attend any bible class and I read other teachings...why are you still walking with me?
God: My child, because you are having me in your heart, because you come to me not to expect but to respect...every teaching is good, learning from others will open up your horizon. Most importantly is having faith in what is holding in your heart.
Me: Thank you dear Father, thank you for walking with me, thank you for your guidance and blessings, please love my family, my friends and those who needed you as much as you love me.
God: Yes...my child...I am hearing your prayer. Be blessed and be grateful in any moment, in every single day.

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