
October 31, 2013

Tujo Halloween Night

Beautiful ambiance, good service, nice food, lovely music and fun faces = Wonderful night — at Tujo@Ascott KL.

Portabello Mushroom Salad - uniquely serve

Pineapple Satay - Must try ;)

Happy Bee 。一点

October 27, 2013

Happy 43!

Yesterday supposed to be away under the sea celebrate my birthday with mother natures, for some reasons changed my mind stayed home like any other days, had a simple birthday meal with my parents and children at Coliseum because dad likes the place and children never been.

Thank you to my family being around no matter what happened.  Thank you to some of my good friends given much supports when needed.  Thank you to all warmth birthday wishes (calls, sms, pm, wall posts, apps) keeping me blessed each and every day. 

My 43th birthday wish is...Wishing all my friends and their loved ones, good health and happiness always, live abundantly, love unconditionally.
Ps. Thank you to my baby gal for a special brandy Tiramisu and a wonderful surprise from old friends — feeling gratitude.

Happy Bee 。一点

Le French Wrap

Thank you MayLian dear for a nice bday treat ^^ 

We were the first 50 customer at Le French Wrap The Garden 
Le Summer Romance - premium strawberry paste with lychee give a light and refreshing aroma, crepe is soft and tender.
Miller crepe - first bite was sweet but it taste just nice with coffee, strawberry and chocolate is always a great combination. 

Sweetness everyday! ^^ — feeling sweet day.

Happy Bee 。一点


对不尊重别人时间的人, 不要浪费时间做安排。
这种人可以什么都迟, 可是别人不可, 甚至你还会被这种人的千万个不一样的迟到理由震撼。
只要和他的项目无关, 所有其他的安排都是不重要的, 他的项目可以随时更改, 可是如果你之前安排的改不了, 表示你对自己的工作不够付出。
对这类人的工作相处之道就是。。。"忘了我是谁, 我的世界只有你。"

Happy Bee 。一点

October 13, 2013


Love is Ageless 
Hahaha...never seen my dad miss my mom so much before After 2 weeks mom went back Spore, this traditional old man cannot afford to hide his feeling anymore. Can you see love in their smiles 

爸的第一句 "哎呀, 我的老伴, 你回来了啦" — feeling love & joys

Happy Bee 。一点

October 03, 2013


我家有个万能爸, 除了会烘蛋糕, 还会煮, 还会装电器, 连水泥木工也难不倒。
我家有个万能妈, 除了会烤蛋糕, 还会縫衣服, 剪头发, Westlife,韩星她也懂, 最近还会Candy Crush. 
自从住进两个万能老, 坏的电灯全亮了, 倾斜壁橱搞定了, 喉咙痛了有凉茶, 三餐张口就送到。
你说家有一老如有一宝, 我要大声炫耀 "我家住着两个宝!"

Happy Bee 。一点


在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...