
December 20, 2010

Happy Light Traveler

If you cannot let go your past, what makes you think you have control in your future? Your past is a heavy luggage, you'll not have anymore space to squeeze in your futures if you do not empty it. Sort out your luggage before you embark on a new journey, travel light ^^
No one on earth is so good about forgetting everything they've been through, the past can be painful or happy, sad or joyous. Some traveler choose to pack everything, some choose those look light but heavy stuffs, some empty their luggage totally including every lesson learned...only the wisest understand what is the meaning of "travel light". We have 60 billions travelers on earth, carrying different luggages small, big, backpack and etc... we can't control what the other travelers like to pack in their bag but most importantly, which type of traveler we choose to be and may you be a happy traveler no matter any type of traveler you choose to be ^^ Me surely a light traveler.

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