
November 30, 2010

Victim of My Own Optimism?

I couldn't believe it when I read this from Gilbert's "Eat Pray Love", "I have a history of making decisions very quickly about men. I have always fallen in love fast and without measuring risks. I have a tendency not only to see the best in everyone, but to assume that everyone is emotionally capable of reaching his highest potential. I have fallen in love more times than I care to count with the highest potential of a man, rather than with the man himself, and I have hung on to the relationship for a long time (sometimes far too long) waiting for the man to ascend to his own greatness. Many times in romance I have been a victim of my own optimism."  Elizabeth Gilbert
She is speaking just exactly how I am when I was in a relationship and also carrying the same perspective in many areas. But for this especially, the short para just well described how I am in all my relationships.
Believing so much that living my life with no regrets, always plunged in like never fall in love before and go deeper each time :p guess I must be mastering love so well that I dare to let myself sink deeper each time and most always said we learn from mistake but I think God look up on me and keep giving me new experiences.
There is this saying about women's heart is like an ocean, hard to predict...but I think in this complex world, men are the same now, because some just don't know you love them as who they are and keep having the stereo type that the woman next to him is trying to change him and so he must stand firm on his ground, so to keep having this "Love me as who I am" ^^ Sometimes I think John Grey is the culprit :p because he came out with this "Men are from Mar and Women are from Venus" thingy...so giving all the reason to men and women every reason not to be better...LOL!
Despite all the hardships as what she mentioned "victim of my own optimism", I do scare about who, how and what comes next, but I'm still optimistic and believe in true love does exist. Is just the matter of when is this "one day" will come.

November 25, 2010

Power of Learning

The capability of learning is energizing and enriching my everyday, learning from every aspect or from anyone been giving me much joys in life. If one day God wanna take away one of my talent, let it be anything else but not the ability to learn, because with this learning power remain, I know I will have everything all over again. ^^ Learning is a gift that no one can take away from me except myself.

November 24, 2010

Love is...Bittersweet

Love is pure and simple...

You are happy just be with him...
You are happy even walking distances...
You are happy when he gives you a smile...
You are happy when he holds your hand...
You are happy when he gives you a small hug...
You are happy having every meal with him...
You are happy dancing with him...
You are happy when he calls you...
You are happy cleaning his house...
You are happy changing his bed sheet...
You are happy watching movie together...
You are happy when he shows you his juggling...
You are happy when bringing him a glass of plain water or Rebena...
You are happy when he buys you a small gift...
You are happy seeing his old photos...
You are happy scratching his back...
You are happy listening to his travelling sharings...
You are happy when you can hug him while sleep...
You are happy small kissing his back...
You are happy watching him pack for his travel suitcase...
You are happy hearing his voice...
You are happy eating ice-cream with him...
You are happy jogging together with him...
You are happy eating burger together...
You are happy when he gives you a bear hug...
You are happy wearing his gift feeling him with you...
You are happy reading beside him...
You are happy when he writes you an email...
You are happy seeing him...
You are happy thinking of him every single day...

Is love just this simple and sweet with no bitterness? Yes, there are, but having the sweets are worth going through all the bitters. That's why we always have this saying "Love is bittersweet" ^^

November 19, 2010

Virus Attack!

After 40yrs of researches, I finally invented a virus name "HappBee"...whoever infected will have the symptoms of smiling and laughing, others symptoms like grateful, happy, joyous, optimistic, playful and many more, will depending much on how much you are in contact with the source and how much the virus replicating.
Everyone has this virus gene inside them, but some of their antibodies like "SP" (Selfish& Pessimistic) or "UJ" (Ungrateful&Jealousy) are too strong, so the "HappyBee" virus hard to get near...the intelligent of this virus is, it knows the hidden gene are lying around in the body and will find the right timing to attack especially when the antibodies are at low. These antibodies will show in low when the body is in good health, being love, or while having joy or even when feeling lonely and lost.
So far, the research shown no antibiotics available for this virus, so it is quite sure once the object been infected, will then slowly spread in many ways and many forms. You will find yourself looking more and more youthful, beautiful and radiant, seeing everything in more and more possible and positive perspectives and lots more.
So please let me know if you are interested to get yourself infected... ^^

November 13, 2010

Don't Apologize For Crying

Don't apologize for crying. If we know what are we crying for, it will make us a better person, stronger and emotional rich which we need in life but don't ever let ourself cry for no reason then it will only make us weaker and weaker, blurring our vision physically and emotionally.

I am a crying baby, I cry in almost anything and everything that touches me...

I cry when seeing my friends walking down the aisle

I cry when I witness a new born

I cried when watching "Christian the lion" on Youtube

I cried when my friends receiving their awards on stage

I cried everytime when I watch movies that touched me

I cry when I laugh too hard

I cry whenever I see breathtaking scenery

I cry when I'm angry

I cried when I read the news of Lim Goh Tong's death

I cry when I think of him

I cried when I first canned my son

I cried when I was misunderstood by those I care and I love

I cried when I was hurt by those I loved

I cried when I scolded my children

Yes, I cry in most touching occasions, let it be happy or sad. Sometimes in life, tears play a part in balancing our laughs. Maybe because of this, I'm a crying baby ^^ So, lets make our tears worth while ^^

November 11, 2010

Free-fall Plunge

You asked me to plunge with you, with your encouragement and you assured me will catch me when I fall, so I trusted you and bravely took a free-fall plunged, but you catched me with hesitation and there I slipped. What do you do? You are only watching me falling deeper and deeper, and all I can do is trying to grab any branches to stop me from falling deeper. 


在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...