
November 13, 2010

Don't Apologize For Crying

Don't apologize for crying. If we know what are we crying for, it will make us a better person, stronger and emotional rich which we need in life but don't ever let ourself cry for no reason then it will only make us weaker and weaker, blurring our vision physically and emotionally.

I am a crying baby, I cry in almost anything and everything that touches me...

I cry when seeing my friends walking down the aisle

I cry when I witness a new born

I cried when watching "Christian the lion" on Youtube

I cried when my friends receiving their awards on stage

I cried everytime when I watch movies that touched me

I cry when I laugh too hard

I cry whenever I see breathtaking scenery

I cry when I'm angry

I cried when I read the news of Lim Goh Tong's death

I cry when I think of him

I cried when I first canned my son

I cried when I was misunderstood by those I care and I love

I cried when I was hurt by those I loved

I cried when I scolded my children

Yes, I cry in most touching occasions, let it be happy or sad. Sometimes in life, tears play a part in balancing our laughs. Maybe because of this, I'm a crying baby ^^ So, lets make our tears worth while ^^

1 comment:

  1. Very true about that.....no need to apologise....it is natural.



在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...