
July 26, 2010

Life Is About Choices

Life is about choices...choices of how you want to live your life, for yourself or to live for others? If your daily emotion is controlling by others, is time for you to ask "Whom do I live my life for? For Me or For Them?" and tell yourself "Is For Me! I choose my own emotion" ^^

In many occasions, we see people get angry or upset easily by the action of others, living their life day by day with anger and frustration. We only live our life for once, every second gone is gone, we will not have another same minute while you are reading this, when I'm writing this, the date is July 26th 2010, when today gone, will be gone no matter how we trying to stop it. So why waste energy and time for something not gonna create value in our life?

I've been consciously living my life with this as a reminder. Of course, I'm not saint and I do get my emotion roller coast whenever they like but at least I know where I am and how I can be better. I do not control or suppress any down or negative feelings when they strike, because I have to admit the Universe's power, what goes up must come down and vice versa. but I do watch out the period. If I really have to be angry or sad or down, I'll give myself 20minutes, 30 minutes, an hour or a day. I believe to acknowledge all my emotions without against the law of universe is the easiest way to live my life which I want it to be and it helps me tremendously.

When I'm upset, these are the questions I'll usually ask myself:-
1/ Do I really need to? Is the person/thing worth my energy? 
If no...I'm not gonna waste time on it; If yes, I'll ask how long do I need.

2/ Why is this happen? is me or others?
If me...I'll reflect and review myself and make sure I'll change for better;
If others...I'll see is the person worth to give another chance.

So often we are standing inside the circle but trying to control everything outside the circle. We can't control or change others, but surely we are able to start from ourselves. Of course it is not easy, if we find controlling or changing our own self is difficult, what make us think that we can control or change others? But good news is life is a learning ground, we have everyday in life to learn to become better while we are still breathing ^^

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