
April 06, 2011

Are We Too far From Home?

Watched a show yesterday "Fair Game" from the director of The Bourne Identity and starring Academy Award nominee Naomi Watts and Academy Award winner Sean Penn. Toward the end, Sean Penn made a very good speech about pursuing truth and standing up for what's right as a citizen despite Power.

"The responsibility of a country is not in the hand of a privileged few. We are strong,and we are free from tyranny as long as each of us remembers his or her duty as a citizen. Whether it's to report a pothole at the top of your street or lies in a State of the Union address, Speak out! Ask those questions. Demand that truth! Democracy is not a free ride, but this is where we live, and if we do our job, this is where our children will live."

This makes me wondering where we (Malaysians) now...
While we shout out demanding the truths, are we act like a child of our country? Do we speak the beauty of our country? If we don't, is it simply because we do not trust our government so we neglected and forgone the true beauty of this place?
Are we keeping quiet because we cannot make any changes? But how about respect other races? How about keeping our country clean? How about stop spreading racist issue topics? I'm sure these are the least we can do as a citizen.
When we shout loud for all the unfairness,corruptions,flaws of system and lies, do we love this piece of land without blinding and judging her due to the miss-managing in the few wrong hands?
Do we love her for providing us a piece of peaceful land with multi racial and rich cultures?
Are we proud to say we are Malaysian, when not, is it simply because we do not like our government? If we are not, then it makes us no more right to shout for our rights, not only the government, we are not a good citizen too because we choose to ignore what she has been providing us.
Although we are putting our foot on this motherland but are we too far from home?

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