
April 13, 2011

Pursuit of Happiness ^^

Why happiness seems much harder to pursuit because it has no measurement. Unlike money or anything given value with dollar and cents. Everyone can have 100 dollars but the state of mind of having the $100 dollars of happiness can be vary. To someone who is earning less than $1000 a month, $100 is a great happiness, on the other hand, one who is earning million, the state of happiness of $100 is totally different. But is the face value of a piece of paper determine all the happiness in life?

Why some with little of income but so happy and contented, but for some have everything best under their roof or even extra yet not happy. Rich or poor is not an asset or a liability but emotional capacity is. The emotional bank determines the wealth of a person. We may have safe deposit and bank account to safeguard our valuable items and money, contracts and titles to keep our properties and assets, but we have nothing to protect our emotional bank except ourself. Understanding how to be happy become the key of protecting our emotional bank. We ourself is the only master to do it.

We can be forgetful about anything but we can never forget how to live...Live with dignity, live with hope, live with joys, live with love. Don't you think this is such a simple way of pursuing Happiness ^^

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