
January 25, 2012

Nothing = Wealth


Do you know the Universe has a very powerful energy? When we think we have nothing left, it is time we discovering the true wealth in us, the real potential that we have in us. The law of universe will fill up any empty space possible and fill them with ideas, knowledge or some name it as energy.
It will then transform into a tangible form but this will depend on who is in us to determine what are we going to receive from the universe. The energy from the universe will switch these ideas, messages, knowledge according to the channel that we are able to receive. Constructive or positive, negative or depressive, is all up to us, the universe will give according to what we want from it. Therefore, it is crucial that knowing clearly what we want when we left with nothing because this is when we are getting the most and unleashing the hidden wealth in us.
When you think you left with nothing, just do your best, the Universe will do the rest ^^

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