
January 03, 2013

The Antioxidant Miracle

If you like to know more about supplements, vitamins or antioxidants but finding those flooding information about vitamins confuse you, perhaps this is the only book you must read. The Antioxidant Miracle written by Prof. Lester Parker, given by the name of 'Father of Antioxidants', simplify the complexity of antioxidants and free radicals, the insight of the network antioxidants, easy to understand. And also with recommended Parker Plan of what to take and RDA.Got this book back in 2004, helped me much. Re-read now and find it really simple to understand and I think information are useful to most ^^

Some picks from the book...

* Are you getting sick more often than you used to? As we age, immune function declines, making us vulnerable to disease. Tufts University researchers have found that antioxidants can rejuvenate an aging immune system.
* Do you think that you have bad genes? Many of us inherit the tendency to develop cancer and other diseases. The good news is thata antioxidants can "turn off" these bad genes and greatly reduce our risk of developing hereditary diseases.
* Do you feel that you're not as sharp as you used to be? Numerous studies suggest that antioxidants can prevent and perhaps even reverse age-related memory loss and mental problems.
* Do you have a child with attention deficit disorder (ADD), or do you have ADD yourself? There is growing evidence that antioxidants can improve concentration and focus in people suffering ADD.
* Do you wake up with aches and pains? Antioxidants can rrelieve the symptoms of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.
* Do you at risk for developing heart disease? Antioxidants such as Vitamin E and Co Q10 are being used succesfully to treat heart disease.
* Do you have brown spots and other signs of sun-damaged skin? Antioxidants can prevent and even erase these telltale signs of age while also prrotecting against skin cancer.

Sound so great right? I am so grateful to all these scientist spending their life on antioxidants researches, bringing so much lights and hopes to the needed society. I am strongly encourage everyone to have this book as the basic or as an entry level into the world of antioxidants. I am sure you can find this book in most book stores near you or get it from Amazon.com.


Happy Bee 。一点

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