
May 30, 2019

有一股能量叫 - 努力




May 25, 2019


谁知道。。。死的更惨! 预备班马来文,英文可以当的七七八八。后来转校去另一间以英语为主的国中,第一天集会,看着台上以英语致词的校长,我在台下" 擘大個口得個窿", 心想接下来的四年怎么活。

马来文英文不好,加上学习也是混混过日子,还曾经试过中二那年历史考15分, 那个15分的打击让我在班上哭了一阵子,可是我没把挫折化力量,考个99分,我只拿了42分没当掉,过关就算一洗雪耻了(没志气 🤣)。

高分数没我的份,可活动团体几乎可加入的都参加了,合唱团,种菜,啦啦队,扶轮社,华文学会,羽毛球队 电脑班,泳队。。。。总之"静"和我永远画不上等号。妈妈还常说我的屁股像陀螺 - 尖的,只可以动不会坐。

从未想过自己会写,从未想过长大了会开blog写博文 (当然当年也没blog, 还在写信交笔友的年代)。也从没想过竟然还能在四十搞个BBCC硕士,(也没什么用,就得空文凭拿出去露台嗮太阳,好像现在酱 🤭)。

如果以成绩来看小时候的我,三个字"不成才!"。小时候的我真的不怎么样 ,除了玩拿高分 (自己给的 😂),过的很很很很我!

看着现在孩子在学校承受着同学间比对分数的压力,在老师前好学生坏学生的压力,在父母前分数考不好的愧疚感 (这是很多聪智高,过目不忘的人不会明白的感受)。我要提醒父母。。。当你要求孩子的时候,不要忘了审视自己是否达标。给孩子们信心,因为他要考好成绩的渴望不会比你少, 因为有缺陷的教育制度,把很多当掉学分的学生也当掉了对人生的信心。妈妈挺着生命风险怀胎十月,爸爸攒钱缴学费,别因为孩子成绩不如意担惊受怕,结果穷一生努力成就了医院大学而废了自己和孩子的人生。

#哦_其实原本是因为看到Facebook十年前的今天写的太阳云和风_想说说_我小时候不会写_谁知道长大了很会写_一个不小心吐了一堆字 😂

#应该是小时候八字木运把食神创作冲淡_奇门命盘白虎能量过剩的缘故吧 😁

May 15, 2019

Little Bourke KL

A nice neighbourhood restaurant with quality food, beautiful set up and good service :)

Enjoyed our lunch with some simple meals and a relaxed ambience. Actually I miss their bread most 😄

Price point slightly in the high, but looking at the location we did not expect the pricing comes low with the setting and presentation.

I don't mind just mushroom soup and bread for my lunch. Soup is quality, bread at its right dense and chewy soft.

Beef is very good, juicy and tender.

May 14, 2019

Don't Try ❗❗❗

Crazyyyyyyyy! Discovered Jack & Jill Calbee potato chips at Giant this afternoon, Thought just give it a try. And it is just too good, I can't stop now 🤐

100g - 59.8% carbo, 29.9% fats, protein...dun bother, too little to make me feel less guilty.
170g - RM5.99

No matter how classic the salt is - it is still HIGH SODIUM k.

I will ban myself going to Giant........


This kind of junk food catches more eyeballs then if I share ageLOC YouSpan or CordyMaxCS4 😂

May 13, 2019

Thank You Anak Ku

I stopped celebrating Mother's day for few years because I encourage let love be shown in everyday not just a day.

But this anak ku still surprised me on many occasions as always. During my years in insurance agency training, a bunch of young, courageous but not dangerous I came to know and love them so much, all so closed to my heart till now I am still concern how well are they doing.

This young man, I call him anak, like a son to me coz he is same age as my son too. A surprise visit, a good catch up and his beautiful hand written words definitely warmth my heart ❤

On Mother's Day, he hand written cards and made his surprise Mother's Day love delivery door to door. Depending on occasion, CNY he delivers oranges. He is only 27 (a father now ❤) but his professional financial planning advice is way passed his age. If you need a good financial health check, trust me, talk to him, he is able to assist you professionally.

When I came to know how he came so far with a strong heart, my heart always have a special space for this young man. Love his kindness and thoughtfulness towards people around him and his bravery in facing challenges, the courages and responsibility he dare to take up as a man.

Thank you and Love you #anakku 🥰

#笑到眼都唔見埋 😂
#一朵花一张写的满满的卡和一小时聚够我发表一篇论文 😂

May 12, 2019





May 10, 2019

Tamarind Springs

I think my expectation to Tamarind Springs was high, love the setting of the place right from the entrance, the ambiance and services were good but taste of food were a disappointment. With the price line and the whole set up, I find the food didn't give a Wow effect as much as the restaurant decoration. It doesn't give me the urge of purposely make another trip there for the food quality.

If I am back again, very much because I like the setting and probably just have a dessert for a relaxing night :)

If you are planning your trip there, is quite a distance from Petaling Jaya or from KL Golden Triangle  enjoy the ambiance but set your food expectation lower, I am pretty sure you will enjoy much.

5/5 - Nice renovation and setting
3/5 - Very far
5/5 - Hospitality
3/5 - Taste of food
3/5 - High Price

May 08, 2019

World's No.1 At-Home Beauty Devices

Yuhoo! ageLOC now ranking at World’s #1 at-home beauty device system brand!! 🙌🙌 (by Euromonitor International Ltd.)

Truly glad I am contributing part of this achievement 😍 Being a big fans of ageLOC beauty devices, Galvanic Face and Body Spa have been my must-have for years, with the new ageLOC family members - ageLOC Me, LumiSpa and LumiSpa Accent, I am experiencing a true age locked at 41 😍 In this new era of beauty world with so many products in the market, it is truly a blessing having the chance to hold the world's latest technology in hand.

Many friends asked me why put myself into MLM company, an industry with so much rejections. My replied always very simple, "if ageLOC is not running a MLM business model, who am I to have the world class products' distribution right?

Thank you very much to Nu Skin for another exciting awesome news!

If you are looking for an international business opportunity,  you are most welcome to contact me for an online Zoom meet to explore more! Come #Createyourbestversion with me 😊

Source : https://www.marketwatch.com/press-release/nu-skin-named-the-worlds-1-at-home-beauty-device-system-brand-2019-05-07


在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...