
January 01, 2006

Seven Thoughts That Can Make You Thin 1/7

Read this from "Seven Thoughts That Can Make You Thin",  The Oprah Magazine, so sharing this with y'all, hopefully it helps, comes in 7 thoughts, one at a time hah!

Old loop: I ordered the grilled cheese, so why not get the fries, too?

Switch to… One treat at a time. I'm indulging in grilled cheese, so I'll trade the fries for a salad.

Here's How: "The thought pattern is, I've already blown it for today, so I might as well keep going," says Janet Polivy, PhD, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto. She calls it the "what the hell" effect and says it causes people to devour so much food that they feel they'll never get back on track. To prevent this scenario from playing over and over, Polivy says, you have to redefine your idea of healthy eating. Allow yourself the occasional treat, as long as it's accompanied by smarter food choices like fresh fruit and vegetables. At roughly 500 calories, one melted cheddar on rye a week should hardly make you fat. Habitually tacking on a large order of fries, however, might.

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在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...