
January 14, 2006

Weight-loss Diet

I'm reading the new book from Dr. Nicholas Perricone - The Perricone Weight-Loss Diet, A good book teaching a healthy way of diet at the same time away from wrinkles and chronic diseases.

Glad to learn that Omega-3 helps a lot on weight loss too other than for good health. Extract from the book :

"Increase your intake of Omega-(through foods and supplements) and decrease your intake of pro-inflammatory high-glycemic carbohydrates(sugars and starches) and saturated fats (found in most fried foods, full-fat dairy products, and meat).

This simple increase/decrease formula will not only improve your overall health - nourishing the skin. hair, mucous membranes, nerves, and glands, and helping to prevent cardiovascular disease - it will inhibit the conversion of calories into body fat. In addition, these essential fats encourage the body to burn calories as body heat and increase its sensitivity to insulin, thereby preventing storage of body fat and reducing the risk of diabetes and obesity."

Great news right? I was just wanted to start my omega for skin inflammation ans glad that I found some value added benefits too ^^

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