
May 21, 2010

My First 15km Run

No...no...no...he is not me, I was the one hiding at the back, was focusing on my run. Finally did my first marathon in life after almost 40 years (by Oct 26) :p Do not know why suddenly I have this urge of long distance run, I think mainly just to satisfy myself that "Yes! I've done it" or simply just want to see how far I can run.

Didn't had much of my training, been running 20-30 minutes once or twice per week as part of my exercise and I dare to challenge myself for it. For this, I have to give myself a credit for the courage :D I wanted to start my training since one month ago, but laziness and procrastination just keep hitting me non-stop, so at the end, I was still 'train' as usual, the longest training I had was a 40minutes run on a day before the race. I was worry whether can I finish the race but a small part of me was confident in a way because I know I'm gonna make it no matter how.

The race started at 7am on May 16, 2010. Woke up 5.30am in the morning, had a piece of bread and a banana, and there I go. I was glad that psp was with me, I must say psp is part of the contribution factor for my achievement. Thanks ya ^^ Reached Padang Merbok around 6.30am, all the semangat and pro faces made me a little nervous.

When the race started, I saw many ran so fast and I was very soon left behind by many of them, mix feeling started...Worry...Uncertainty...Scare...Cannot give up...I must make it...Wow! she is fast...This gal's body so nice...She doesn't look fitter than me, why she ran faster than me?...O,how do I make it to end point...Can I finish?...Can I make it on time?...What is psp doing?...When should I start my assignment?....felt my culf was heavy, my mind was weak...and all the thoughts just went on and on and on, I think I must had thousand of thoughts flashed in during the first 20minutes run.

I practically walked on all the inclines, only jogged on flat ground. I stopped at all possible stops :p water! water! water! I do not know what was I thinking after the first 30 minutes, what I know was RUN! I think at some point I think I was running but actually I was not, I think... LOL...

The happiest moment during the run was when I heard 1.5km left and I know I still have another 25minutes left, there I am so sure I am finishing on time and my suffering gonna end VERY SOON!!! What is the best part for this race? The hero welcome hug from PSP :) Thanks so much.

  BRAVO!!! HOORAY!!! You've made it Gal...


  1. Thanks :) Looking forward to my Standard Charted KL Marathon and Penang Bridge Marathon :p



在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...