
January 04, 2011

Trying Too Hard To Be Happy?

On the first day of 2011 morning, a friend was telling me that I'm trying too hard to be happy. I explained him which I'm not and I'm truly happy and grateful of what I've done and doing and do not hide any of my feelings including sadness. If feeling of sadness needed, I'll still express my sadness and tears my feeling.
But the next day, I had a different thought about this "trying too hard to be happy". I shouldn't deny or explain this, because I do not mind if I'm really trying hard to be happy, at least I'm not inviting sadness easily. If I want to be happy, I can find thousand of things to be happy about and same goes to the opposite. But why do I want to waste my time inviting sadness instead of rejecting being happy? just because scare somebody may say "you are trying hard" ^^ But in some point he actually reminded me with what he said, trying hard...yes, in today's world, we are seeing too much of unhappiness, sadness can come by itself's visitation whether we like it or not, but happiness needs to be search or perhaps inventing it.
So, if you are telling me now..."Gal, you are trying too hard to be haappy...", I will answer "WHY NOT?" ^^

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