
January 25, 2011

Let Us Laugh On The Same Joke Again And Again ^^

"A wise man once sat in the audience and cracked a joke..all of them laughed like crazy. After a moment he cracked the same joke again & a little less people laughed this time... He cracked the same one again and no one laughed, then he smiled and said "when you cant laugh on the same joke again and again then why do you keep crying over the same thing over and over again". Let go the past and move on."
James, thanks so much for a wonderful sharing. In life, many of us easily forgotten about the happiness that we can easily find it anywhere and anytime. Instead of being grateful of what we found and have, we whine about the sad, seeking for sympathy and care from friends.
My Happiness can be found through...
A morning shower
A warmly smile from a friend or stranger or even from myself ^^
A healthy chocolate protein shake in the morning
A simple breakfast for myself and my colleague
A morning greeting
A beautiful weather (rain can be a beautiful weather to me too ^^)
A Zac & Sara morning radio show
A "Hi" from a friend  from Skype
A cup of coffee
A full lunch follow by yawn ^^
A customer's order
A sweaty jog
A sound sleep
A dive trip
A climbing afternoon with friends
An afternoon tea with my "bestest" friends ^^
A chat with my parents and kids
.............................long list to go. Do I have sadness, yes I do, but I do not cry over again and again, because I have to save my time laugh again and again for the much happiness I found. ^^

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