
February 23, 2011

Live A Beautifully You ^^

If you Love someone, please tell...because that could be the only moment; If you hate someone, please do not tell...because that could be just a moment... For both the moments, you live a beautifully you ^^

The problem in our society today is that we are too stingy in kind words and manners but generous in sarcasm, we are careful about loving others but freely let go our anger on others. We free our anger easily but we prison our love.

Why are we trusting our feeling of hate so much but we doubt on our love? Why are we believing the bad side of us easily and let it grow instead of trusting the good in us, cultivating it and let it bloom in us? Many in us living in doubts, selfishness, low confident, jealousy, hatred...that's why and how power take place and wars take chances.

When was the last time we said 'I love you' to our loved ones in words or say it or hug them? When was the last time we scolded someone and regretted about it? Yup...I know, is not easy to do it, I lost on it too throwing tantrum and hiding my love when I'm not consciously aware. But aren't we all intelligent human beings, if we can't control our own minds who will?

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