
September 01, 2012

敌人朋友 Friend and Enemy

有一些我们称之为“敌人”的朋友,有一些“朋友“我们称之为敌人。有的要远离因功力不比他深厚,有的要放弃因不值得浪费时间, 可百分之八十要留住, 因我们的成长是靠怎么和与自己没有相同理念与看法的朋友学习的。有时候走着走着,敌人成了朋友,而朋友成了敌人。可当发觉这百分八十的敌人建成为朋友时,人生这堂课也修好了。只要能够让我们有所成长的,我愿留住这样的敌人,可是永远让我原地踏步的朋友,我不介意多一个敌人。敌人朋友或朋友敌人增添了人生色彩。一直留在我身边不离不弃的,不是我的朋友或敌人,你们是我爱的人。。。谢谢!我的爱人 ^^ 爱你。

Some friends we term them as "the enemy", and some "friend" we call them enemies. Some enemies we have to stay away because we do not have the capability to handle their bad intention, and for some we have no choice to give up as they not worth the waste of our time. But of eighty percent whom we want to keep them close because we get the growth by learning from their differences of perspective in lives. As I walked on my path, some enemies became friends and some friends became enemies. But if I am able to have 80% of enemies becoming as friends, I am sure I've learn my life lesson well.
I would love to keep my enemies closed if they are empowering my learning, whereby if having friend that can't add any right values to my life, I am all fine having an enemy.
No matter friends or enemies, they are surely bringing the excitements of life.
For those who staying closed with me no matter ups or downs, you are not my friends or enemies but my lovers ^^ My lovers that I value most! Love you.

A Little I Am. YiDian

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