
March 08, 2013

Happy Women's Day

Still remember clearly last year on Mar 8th International Women's Day, shaved my head together with 16 ladies. Time flies and it was like not too long ago. Glad did it and so sure that for every Mar 8 to come, I have a beautiful memory.  

To all beautiful ladies out there, Happy Women's Day! 

May you be beautifully inside out in any role you are, keep shining and glowing to brighten up everyone around you.

As a mother - you are a guardian to protect
As a wife - you are a lover to understand
As a child - you are a listener to care
As a sister - you are a friend to lean on
As a friend - you are a soulmate to support
As a teacher - you are a light to brighten the future
As a leader - you are a role model to inspire
As a staff - you are a contributor to support

You are someone special wherever you are. 

Be Confident, Be Joyous, Be You ♥

Happy Bee 。一点

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