
April 29, 2019




七年前 (二零一一年) 在一个很无所事事的下午,善的力量光环呈现。那天下午两点左右吧,坐在Bangsar South 的Old Town Kopitiam, 吃了面包,喝了一口温咖啡,身子往椅背靠着。。。四个字 "望天发呆"。只记得当下脑袋很空,可是有那种很想付出一些给社会可是又没多余的,没有太多的想法,只一味想着要"给"。而这要奉献,要付出的劲儿偏偏是在当下是处于最"无"的时候。

一把年纪在资本社会的评估下,我的成就是零分。可是如果身上的大爱精神,头发的丰厚,打不死-求上进-不言弃的奋斗精神我却是富盖多少亿万富翁 😂
然后我就想,身上还有什么是我可以用的呢? 器官也捐了,身外物也没什么。。。想着想着。。。哦,头发很长哦!是不是可以把头发剪掉捐出去呢?可是想想又不舍得。可是啊,有些时候事情就是很奇妙的 :) 就在我想着 "不舍得" 的时候,即刻下一秒我想 "要不剃掉吧!"。而这"剃掉吧!"三个字竟然在毫不犹豫的情况下让我身上所有的细胞在同一时间拍手掌大喊 "好啊❤!!!"。(可以想像我当时自己一个人坐在沙发,外表看似海上风平浪静,水里波涛汹涌的画面吗? 😄

接下来,脑筋机械好像装了Turbo, 瞬间启动身体里每一个神经元,血液如火山熔岩在身体里滚动。

然后我开始想。。。不可以就这样白白牺牲了我这头秀发 (我这头发是真的美的可拍广告哦 🤭),是不是应该找一些朋友来捐款啊? 对! 应该凑款,筹多少呢? 总得有个四五千吧。。。好就五千! 行吗? 为什么不行? 老娘我把头发都剃了,也一个给个面子呗!(话说回来,我钱真不多,不过人脉还算ok的) 可接下来突然另一个念头来了。。。咦? 不对哦。。。这自己一个多么意思,说不定还有其他女生也想剃头呢? 这男生剃也没什么特别,女生剃光头还挺有意思的。好唷!就看看还有谁,一起剃 🤩 可是需要想想为谁剃啊? 捐款给谁呢? 应该选一个日子,可什么日子呢? 啊! 既然女生剃光头,要不就在明年的三八妇女节吧!对! 就这样,三八妇女节,找八个女生一起剃,有号召力 💃 在那里剃好呢? 啊叮叮💡💡 找朋友问问! 宣传呢?啊叮叮 💡💡 这个朋友可能帮的上忙。

就这样,短短一个小时,我联络了两三个关键人物,时间日期地点宣传定下了。就在脸书开了一个活动群组,写了一篇感觉自己挺满意的bilibala。奇迹般的,八个女生竟然在短短几天齐了(其中还有我的死党和老妈呢) 💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃。后来因为更多志愿者,最后填至十六个女生 ❤ (是不是超有爱哦?)

就这样如火如荼的,无任何私心,不属于任何公司或团体,本着要将净款项百分百的交给有需要的癌症患者,整个活动在短短三个多月的时间筹到近马币七万五千,款项记得一清二楚在网页。一切费用(包括设计,印刷,表演,食物,拍摄,即兴娱乐,司仪,头发运至国外的运费) 都靠所有来自不同领域的慷慨付出与捐赠。捐献者,志愿者,捐款者全一一记录在网页。


如果不是伙伴问起这事,说实话,我自己也渐渐对这模糊了。真的,真不觉得有什么好一直喊。。。。因为也不过就那么一次大规模来呗 😬 其实刚过去的第一两年,还有那蠢蠢欲动想再办的傻气,可是因为有更大的想法,难度更大而被自己扯后腿了。现在写着想着,好像看到那小小的火点在跳哦 🤭

每一天需要被帮助的人数以万千,是不是因为帮了别人做了好事而理应受谢呢? 我是从另一个角度学习到。。。受益最大的人是我自己,我感恩一群人的帮助让我的点子发酵,感恩受惠人给了我一个付出的机缘,感恩家人好友的支持,感恩素未谋面,来自四面八方的信任。更重要的是透过这一次的付出,我学习到当我以为我最"无"的刹那,却是我发掘自己最富有的时候。

你是否觉的你在的人生最低点? 别放弃! 你的高点就在拐弯处。来,放开步,拐个弯就到了 ❤


April 28, 2019






📸 宇宙照片来自于一个我非常爱跟进的Nasa insta nasa/ESA/STScl





April 26, 2019




April 25, 2019

联盟复仇者终极篇 (真的吗?)

三个小时的A片终集篇还行。。。那个阿Thor。。。加上几天前的Channing, 搞到我不想plank了。


So much so I want to be the Avanger Endgame spoiler, but grieving for the endgame of heroes, giving credit to the 3 hours 1 min, good marketing & promotion for keep shouting #DontSpoilTheEndGame, all I can say is... if you are a Marvel heroes fans, go watch it!


April 20, 2019

Picture Not-Perfect

The objectives of this post....a lot 😄

1/ Yes, next year turning 50 and my abs is still look like my 30, thanks to planks and Nu Skin ageLOC series.

2/ No matter how much picture perfect I want to show, but I want to break the "social media only showcasing overly beautiful make people jealous and depress photos" stereotype by showing the flip side of picture perfect 😄 Here is my chubby-flabby belly skin when sitting down, the result of after stored 3 (3.3kg, 3.4kgs and 4kgs) champions from millions sacrifices since 27 years ago.

3/ My 3Rs, yes...I can exercise my mom-always-right teaching anytime because y'all been inside here for a good (好吃好住好谁) 10 months 😂

4/ Men...when you say "Yeay...look at her big tummy", a friendly reminder, you once lived in a similar one way before you start seeing the world.
Husbands... when you quietly thinking your wife's body gets out of shape, look at your children. Don't complaint, help her....Yes! Mother's Day is coming, surprise her show her your love (best with a Galvanic Spa, of course buy from me 😂)

5/ Girls, let me preempt you. Remember how your firm and smooth body looks like, work out your best abs and body before you lose it to elasticity and gravity.

Life is about aware of your shorts, accept it, believe in your strength and keep creating.

Ladies, is never too late to create your best version, your best is happening everyday with your permission.


April 15, 2019


#TakeCharge Create your best version.

Enthusiasm in life is,
While the desire in pursuing our dream flaming up bright, we are lighting up hopes of those who are seeking too.



April 14, 2019

How I Got Into The Industry I Hated Most

It was a bold move I made in 2002. Achieved my MDRT in insurance yet I made a switched to network marketing (some call it MLM or Direct Selling), an industry I hated most due to multi level overriding scheme.

Started business when I was 21 with my ex-husband in IT supplied hardware and services to corporates. At age of 25, ventured into beading accessories retail chains with my sister in-law. 29 year old, through a friend opened my world into insurance industry. Naively prior to it, I never know people so scare of insurance agent 😂 (good thing I din know at then, otherwise I won't became one which I enjoyed much - I call it the rejections collection industry 😄)

At my peak in insurance industry, achieving company trips non-stop, Body-for-life successfully at 20% body fats on daily morning exercise, having lunch, coffee with clients, friends, closing cases...one fine day, I was conned by my ex-bf attended a face-to-face session with my Taiwan mentor (60% of what he said I can't grasped it although he was speaking Mandarin 🤦‍♀️). Usually, if I am being conned to one business presentation, I will walk away but that session I didn't because the business model he explained was totally unknown to me, different then what I knew and it was absolutely logical, made me realized that I was involved in multi-level marketing in my traditional businesses.

How? While he was sharing, I structured out my beading chains (Beads Manufacturer -> Distributor -> Franchisor -> Shopping Mall rental -> Staffing -> Customers -> profit). IT company (Principle -> Distributor -> corporates -> payment collected -> office rental & operating cost -> profits). I was acting calm at then realized I was part of the level in my traditional businesses.

(Classic Cantonese music tune playing now for cutting long story short and fast forward screening....for those who know the tune 😬) Cut the details! Hehe...Actually why writing a long story for this post? I want to share my photos taken during Nu Skin US Convention with one of Nu Skin Founder Blake Rodney and Dr. Paul Alan Cox, Founder of Seacology and the head Scientist of Epoch indigenous rainforest series, also with my fav Force for Good statue.

Now wondering how come I wrote such a long story for these few photos 😂😂😂 



April 07, 2019

Your Personality Your Beauty

#TakeCharge Di̶s̶c̶o̶v̶e̶r Create your best version.

Your body makes you sexy,
Your smile makes you charming,
Your personality makes you beautiful.


April 05, 2019

Create Your Best Version

#TakeCharge Discover your best version.

You can't stop being who you are because you afraid. Di̶s̶c̶o̶v̶e̶r CREATE YOUR BEST VERSION so you will no longer be afraid becoming you ❤

Found one of my best version at 32 :D almost forgotten this old me and the weird part is.... she looks like a stranger to me now 😂

#以前只觉得自己好看不算美女_现在看着_哟当年还挺美哦 🤭

Think Abundance.

April 04, 2019

I Am My Own Brand

#TakeCharge Discover your best version.

I used to admire on brands, as years when I am knowing my worth better and better, instead of paying bombs to be a walking advertisement for brands, I invest in myself and own my brand for life.

Be your own best version,
be your own brand,
be your own ambassador.


April 03, 2019

Step out, Step up!

#TakeCharge Discover your best version.

April has just started, start something so the July You is better and happier 🤩

Step Out, Step Up! One step at a time.

Think Abundance.

April 02, 2019


#TakeCharge Discover your best version. ❤

Believe in yourself!
Have faith in your abilities!
Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. - Norman Vincent Peale

Think Abundance 😊

April 01, 2019

Charge Yourself

#TakeCharge Discover your best version.

Dive into the world of youth, free the child in you, stay curious and be courageous. Energy is the essence of life, don't just charge your phone, CHARGE YOURSELF!

April is here, do something so in 90 days you will welcome July with open arms and big smile ❤

Think Abundance.


在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...