
April 20, 2019

Picture Not-Perfect

The objectives of this post....a lot 😄

1/ Yes, next year turning 50 and my abs is still look like my 30, thanks to planks and Nu Skin ageLOC series.

2/ No matter how much picture perfect I want to show, but I want to break the "social media only showcasing overly beautiful make people jealous and depress photos" stereotype by showing the flip side of picture perfect 😄 Here is my chubby-flabby belly skin when sitting down, the result of after stored 3 (3.3kg, 3.4kgs and 4kgs) champions from millions sacrifices since 27 years ago.

3/ My 3Rs, yes...I can exercise my mom-always-right teaching anytime because y'all been inside here for a good (好吃好住好谁) 10 months 😂

4/ Men...when you say "Yeay...look at her big tummy", a friendly reminder, you once lived in a similar one way before you start seeing the world.
Husbands... when you quietly thinking your wife's body gets out of shape, look at your children. Don't complaint, help her....Yes! Mother's Day is coming, surprise her show her your love (best with a Galvanic Spa, of course buy from me 😂)

5/ Girls, let me preempt you. Remember how your firm and smooth body looks like, work out your best abs and body before you lose it to elasticity and gravity.

Life is about aware of your shorts, accept it, believe in your strength and keep creating.

Ladies, is never too late to create your best version, your best is happening everyday with your permission.


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