
August 03, 2010

The Best Goal Is No Goal?

A nice blog found... Smile.Breath and Go Slow...

Like it because the blog reminding us why are we living for ^^ Not that I agree totally on a "No Goal" life, but I have my own perspective reading it and blending it with some of my thoughts. Living your life by choosing a goal you love is important, but always allowing yourself to adjust your path and ways to get there so that you will enjoy the journey. Never give yourself any excuses of not having any goal in life because with that you might lost the purpose in life too. Unless we are so sure we are a born planner, a born planner will have everything structure in their mind without needing a written plan.

I met a lot of people do not know what they want in life, do not know where and how to get what they want because they never know what they want in life. I think this is how many younger generations live their life like.

As the author mentioned, I was living my life with plenty of goals before. Most I achieved it, some not and I was beaten up by those I failed. And the blog came right so to remind me again, Smile.Breath and No Goal. Allowing myself to go freely once in a while, yes, the plan will soon be back for sure.

I wish everyone have their life master blueprint in mind but remember to smile at every ups and downs, breath in freely and openly, enjoy a jolly journey in life ^^

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