
August 16, 2010

To love and to be love again? I doubt...

Quarter past two, I'm still awake. For the first time, I finally understand how is the feeling when part of you died...

Find it scary that in such a short time, I find you in every corner, I find you in every memory, everywhere and things I do, I'm seeing you. I started to believe you were in my life, I was allowing you walked into my life so much and so easily. You stolen part of my life when I was off guarded.

I know for sure one day I will just laugh at what is happening now. I keep telling myself that I want to remember this feeling, because as time goes, when it is gone it will be gone forever. I'm feeling the fading now... I want to get over it, because I can't take the pain anymore.

I'm throwing the key away, so far away that I won't be able to find it, so that this pain will lock inside a corner of my heart and can never be open again.

To love and to be love again? I doubt...

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