
October 02, 2010

Eat Pray Love

Date : Oct 1, 2010 Friday
Time : 21:50
Venue : Mid Valley GSC cinema
Movie : "Eat Pray Love"
Actor : Julia Robert
Attendees : Me, Ellena, Lycia, Meen, Emily, Soo Wei, Liz, Maha, YinMin, Celine, Shuan, Derek.

When I first saw the movie title, I know it is surely a movie I'm not gonna miss. Initial idea was thinking of having a gals movie outing following a tea catch up after the show on a Sunday afternoon. After looking at my schedule, can't find any available Sunday, so ended up had it on a Friday night after dinner. It was still a good session after all :)
I was practically walking myself in the movie, touched me when Liss had her first prayer in the bathroom. The prayer was exactly like what I did most of the time when I was lost, the words, the situation and all. I was wondering, is Elizabeth Gilbert walked the same path too? or had she had any conversation with me before?
Like what the Italians live their life, I do not need someone to remind me how to be happy, how to live my life to the fullest, how to let go myself and hang lose. For the past 11 years, yes, that was what I learned and this is how I live my life. I know I have to live my life happy, free my mind, love every bit of body and love everything and people around me.
We eat to live or we live to eat? to me, not either one. Eat to live is to fill our stomach with food and keep our body functioning, but looking at some bad diet habit, to some are just eat to get sick. No, that's not what I want. To some, too cautious of getting ill, so eat healthily but being too extreme. No, that's not what I want. Live to eat not for me neither. I do not need to have every best taste in the world, best cuisines to indulge me. But yes, I need to feel good about what I eat, I need to feel love about what I put in my mouth, I need to feel I'm eating my life with every bite I'm taking. I need balance.
I found meditation years back and it helps me tremendously for all these years. But now I wonder, have I really been meditating? I know the God is in me, I know how to breath but now I know, I don't know anything at all.
At some point in life, I thought I was deeply in love with someone, each time when I walked out from the relationship, I felt sad, hurt and hard to let go. Some took me a few days to walked out, some a month, some few months to walked out. But I'm now thinking, am I really walked out or each time it just sinking me deeper and deeper to walk out from my fear of being in love.
I am in conflict most of the time which I have fear in love yet I have so much faith that love does exist. I do not know how and when I am able to walk out from my fear, the only thing I can do is to go with the flow. Yes, I do believe that let the law of universe take place when the situation is beyond my control.
I do have plenty of love other than finding other half, my parents, my children, my sisters, my brothers, my friends, these are the people have been surrounding me and supporting me all these years. These are the loves have never abandon me all these years. These are the loves that keeping me strong and standing still after all the falls and I'm truly appreciate it.
I do not know what am I searching for in life, I seem to know what I want, I seem to living my life as I want it to be. I am living my life consciously, shaping the way I want my life to be but I'm not there yet. I know the day will come as long as I am doing the right thing everyday, continue shaping the life I want it to be, I'll be there in times to come.
I am grateful to everything happened to me, every lesson makes a better me, every pain shapes a stronger me. As the movie goes, live my life as simple as "Eat Pray Love". A good movie I am strongly encourage anyone to step into the cinema, if you can't feel much about it, maybe you have not been through it or maybe you are already walking the path you want, glad for you.
Love you, God bless ^^

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