
October 16, 2010

Observing Game

I went to a dinner with a friend on Thursday night, after ordered our foods, while chatting our eyes felll on some customers, we then started our observations on the customers and it turned out an interesting dining :p

There were some 3 - 4 friends gather-chat. Two couples talk politely like friends, was smiling and laughing while talking to each other and we guessed they are not couple because they don't small touch or hold each other the whole dinner. Another young couple was just keep eating and no conversation at all, and the guy like struggling for his meal and the girl was eating like tomorrow never come.

The best scene was a young married couple, walked in with a two year old baby (I guess). The father was holding the baby girl, they found a place not far from us. We name them "The Yellow Unhappy Couple", because the wife was wearing an yellow T and we never see the wife put on a smile through out the whole dinner , except the father did played with the baby girl once a while. While waiting for their food, they have no conversation, and the husband was starring at the ceiling fan. The baby girl entertained herself by playing with the empty bowl and spoon, food came, mom fed the baby. Here comes the best scene...the baby girl thrown a spoon on the floor, the mom picked up the spoon , walked to the basin, cleaned it, and Thrown it back in the bowl. The reason I use the word "throw" instead of "put" because we can hear the knocking sound of bowl & spoon two tables away.

Am I exaggerate the scene? I don't know, maybe the sound was really loud or we were concentrating on them or we just had our paradigm set on her because we never see her smile for one single second. We started our "?????" on her. Was she a queen control at home? How were they started their relationship? Aren't they had smiling and laughing dinner when they first started, how they lost it? Is her husband didn't earn her respect after they got married? Was she too tired at work while at the same time taking care of baby at night and the house chores? Is she feeling unappreciated by other half whom make contribution to a two income household? What do they talk about or do they still have conversation? Or it was simply just a bad Thursday for them? Sometimes we didn't realize the relationship turns so bad and we can't see it but reveal through the eyes of others.

On the other hand, while out with some friends yesterday night at Vineria BSC, I saw another pair of elderly couple was having a non-stop laughing dinner. They talked, they held each other, they laughed, they enjoyed their foods, lovely couple :)

Some couples take the long relationship or the marriage for granted, fall into a scene whereby thinking that after being together for some time and presume everything should be like this, no topics, no smile, no courtesy. A relationship is like gardening, it need the sunlight, rain, fertilizers, and cares in order to grow healthily and abundantly. It does has some worms and bugs bothering it, but like the elderly couple, they take care of it and keep fertilizing it.

My question now is, how do you and your other half look like when out? Do you all talk happily and have non-stop conversation? Do you all share on everything and laugh together on all the madness done together? What is your story?

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