
October 29, 2010

Nice guys finish last?

I always hear these funny saying, "nice guys finished last" / "girls like bad boys"... is these true?

"Nice guys" are always project these goods like:
* Shy, quiet
* Don't dare to approach girls
* Don't say what they want and like but to please others only.

"Bad guys" will have these characters like:
* Egoistic
* Care less
* I am who I am, don't try to change me

Nope...I don't think so...These are usually those self-centered taking the phrase as a bible teaching, continue their selfish way of living as though that is their "charisma", treating the ladies secondary animal after all the things he think is important in his life. And they call themselves "I have character", just trying to avoid being someone whom they are not which is "Nice" :D

So ladies and gentlemen, here are the definations of my kind of "Nice guy"...
* He is humble but will politely bring out his point if he is right.
* He is one with courage dare to step out when he sees what he wants and likes.
* He is one with sincerity, caring and respect the others.
* He is one who listen but he do not need to understand.
* He does not short sell his value.
* He is one with courage to take counted risk in everything.
* He can be quiet/talkative but surely knows what is he talking about.

Yes, most importantly, he is humble with values. This is what I call "Nice guy", am I asking too much? Why not you tell me your type of  "Nice guy" or are you a "Nice guy"? ^^

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