
October 27, 2010

My 40th Birthday Grateful List

Everyone is telling me "it is just a number", even I was telling myself that too. But the truth is I like numbers, because of numbers, I learn to live my life as years go by, I'm improving everyday for a better me in a very tiny step but these tiny steps shape who I am today ^^

I like numbers because it keeps me aware of where I am, what should I do, Who and How I want to be in time given. By counting the numbers, I'm grateful that I'm still able to count the numbers, and I'm looking forward to all the numbers in my future and I'm sure I'm welcoming my years to come with grace ^^

I am grateful...

I am grateful that my parents are healthy and happy...

I am grateful that my children growing healthily with right values.

I am grateful that my brothers, sisters and their family are healthy, harmony and loving.

I am grateful that my friends are caring and helpful.

I am grateful that I have a comfy home sheltering me from cool.

I am grateful that I have a very comfortable bed.

I am grateful that I am able to sleep well at night and maybe sometimes I snored :p

I am grateful that I love what I eat and enjoy tasting every bite.

I am grateful that I've done rock climbing, wall climbing, water rafting, diving, bungee jump and I am still breathing now.

I am grateful I got a chance tried skinny-dipping.

I am grateful that I've completed my Master degree with supports from mates and lectrers.

I am grateful that I've completed my first 15km run in time.

I am grateful that I've been into a wonderful relationship with someone great.

I am grateful that I was welcomed with a bear hug from him after my first 15km run.

I am grateful that he bought me a watch and a necklace.

I am grateful that I've visited Taman Negara with Francesco and Maha and got to know new friends.

I am grateful that I am able to constantly exercise in maintaning a healthy body.

I am grateful that my weight has come to my ideal weight and I have a firm and tone body.

I am grateful that my friends Soo Wei, Calvin, Elaine, Joe Yap are supportive in contributing to the society.

I am grateful that I came to know lots of wonderful new friends.

I am grateful that I am still salsa and loving it more.

I am grateful to my instructors cum friends in salsa...Lina,Vincente,Pat,Kevin,Lynn.

I am grateful that Bob introduced me to diving, an amazing sport and present me my first pair of fin, boots and mask.

I am grateful witnessed 5 shooting stars with my two gals at Sepang.

I am grateful to all my diving friends whom been making every dive trip a fun trip.

I am grateful that Diane invited me to her "All White Party" & open house.

I am grateful that I have the capability to listen and understand whoever I come in contact with.

I am grateful that Carolyn gave me two nice "牛鼻子" notebooks from Huang Yao Foundation.

I am grateful that I have a new car.

I am grateful I got a new dive computer as my birthday gift.

I am grateful that I won a RM1200 Parkson cash voucher from my Perodua.

I am grateful that my sis gave me a new carrying bag.

I am grateful that my sis present me her organic hand made soap.

I am grateful that Liz bought me souvenir and chocolates.

I am grateful that Michelle present me a music box and a beautiful dress.

I am grateful that the girls Ellena,Lycia,Yen,Meen,Celyn,Emily,Connie,Farrah had a wonderful birthday celebration for me.

I am grateful that Ellena gave me a wonderful make-up birthday present.

I am grateful that Lycia bought me a delicious birthday lunch.

I am grateful that Amanda bought me a piece of tastety Lavander cheese cake.

I am grateful that Serena gave me Shangri-La dinner vouchers for three.

I am grateful that Cedrina and Liz bought me birthday cake.

I am grateful that Andrew made steamboat for all of us at work during my birthday.

I am grateful that me, Ryan, Reanne and Regine had a wonderful dinner at Shangri-La, left out Jon...sorry...next time Jon...

I am grateful that I have received many many warmth birthday wishes which I am still replying.

I am grateful for all the birthday lunches, tea times, dinner, drinks celebrations from friends.

I am grateful that I have so many wonderful friends companying and sharing my life together.

I am grateful that I have a constant and never-ending improving attitude.

I am grateful that I am surrounding by wonderful people who see me and value who I am.

I am grateful that I am bless in every moment in life.

Have I finish counting my grateful list? nope...not yet, I am still counting ^^

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在九运的运转下, 科技的飞速, 虚实的脱节, 心灵的空虚。 一个恍,慌,荒,谎,晃的时代。 停止过度思考不存在的问题, 用绝对的理智管控不该有的情绪。  时刻保持清醒的把自己处在的层次理清 ~ • 第一层次的物质生命: 钱,权,性,利,情。 • 第二层次的精神生命: 仁,义,礼,...