
October 06, 2010

Me & My Son

Had a short conversation with my son early morning, his dad been complaining about him, suspecting him skipping his classes, so I have to play my role. Our conversation...

Me : Son... u hv been skipping classes?

Ryan : Nop

Me : Then why dad said he called college but hv class? shen...sorry that i hv to be bit lengthy here...

Ryan : Ytd morning class for group 2, afternoon class for group 1

Me : I'm glad that u found yr love...but the study is equally important...u r not there to fun but for yr future...dad willing to pay for it coz he cares abt yr future...we must hv an understand groud on that...

Ryan : Okayyyy

Me : I know it's annoying not being trusted... which i'm always hv this faith and i hate not being trusted...but sometimes u hv to show to gain trust...yes getting all the nagging in the hse is no fun at all, i can't stand it too, but take that as a motivation for u to do it better, to proof... sometimes in life before we wanna hv life living for who we are, is a path we need to go thru...

Ryan : I'll do my best

Me : Reason being I dun really wanna talk to y'all abt all these coz I believe y'all know what to do and I truly believe every individual growth wif their own values...
When we pursue on something, we always hv something to distract us...this is the time u hv to prove yr self-discipline...u r the pilot in yr life, u determine who u wanna be, no one else can take charge for u...we can only tell u fr the satellite tower r u deviate fr yr track to yr destiny...k..love u...HUG

Ryan : Okay I love you too

Me : Auh...early morning kena lecture pula... no is not... is a love message ya Good day!

Ryan : Haha okay


I have three teenagers with very different characters, talking to them have to be very tactful. As a parent I need to guide them but not nagging, I have to feel them and treat them like how I want to be treated. My way of teaching may not bring high scores in their academic, but I am sure they will score high in their life, they will score high knowing and being who they are. And I am grateful I have three wonderful children always making me proud to shout out "I am their mother!" :) Love you son, love you gal, love you my baby.

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