
October 21, 2010

I Love Mother Nature

The Mother Nature has been sharing abundance of resources unselfishly, from the morning dew, fresh air, blue sky, green forest, awesome unique creatures. 

It is the most unconditional giving shown for so many years, but it has finally come to a stage that she realize her love was not appreciated, but she is still giving whatever she has, this unconditionally giving will destroy her soon if we the receivers still do not appreciate and give back what we should to show her our gratitude, because she never take but give.
We are breathing the air, tranquilizing by the blue sky, calming with the greens but we giving back little or none. So much the nature is teaching us everyday, everything in this earth is living dependently yet interdependently with space given. Every single tiny living species rely on each other to survives. Respect life and be grateful to everything we have ^^ Start to give, to care and to share.
Why do I fall in love with Mother Nature? because she always surprise us with her natural beauties, and only those who treasures it will sees and appreciates it ^^ Aren't it sounds familiar in anything or everything? Natural is the Law ^^

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